Spring has sprung but Will It Brand?

Encouraged by the sunshine, this week Brand It HQ has been a positive hub of activity. We've...

  • produced fab 'no tape required' gift baskets for our lovely house building clientssourced mints and bags for influential Asset Managers
  • stocked and stored wonderful things for a Medical Giant and inspired another to look beyond pens for branded greatness.
We've also made gallons of vegetable soup, (not strictly a promotional product but good for shifting those remaining Christmas pounds and instant lunch for those who pop by).

Two new initiatives have also skipped through our doors this month. Firstly, we've caved to the thrill of video content and will be bringing you a 'Will It Brand?' series shortly, so watch this space, oh and feel free to make suggestions if you have a burning, (though preferably not alight) product you'd like to see branded.

Secondly, my long suffering husband (AKA Allan) has now launched UP-recycling.co.uk a unique make do and mend project to save our planet from unnecessary landfill. It's a mix of hand crafted, swapped, up-cycled and preloved and a percentage of sales will help local charities. Don't you just love a win-win? Visit the site for more info or pop into the shop - Saturdays 12 til 4pm.


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